Anand Mission: A stepping stone to spread happiness.

I AM BECAUSE WE ARE – The African philosophy of Ubuntu celebrates collectivism over individualism. Celebrating the philosophy of community and service, Anand Mission started its journey to alleviate the sufferings of our society’s marginalized people facing many challenges, be it natural calamities, poverty, illness. This informal group, primarily consisting of members of Art of Living , inspired by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankarji’s propagation of importance of Seva, has been engaged in community service since 2006. It has played a role in extending help and support to both administration and civil society during natural calamities like flood and cyclone which have posed constant threat to coastal Odisha.

Why Anand Mission?
During the devastating Cyclone Fani in 2019, the group along with like-minded organisations had organised camps in the affected areas of Bramhagiri and Satapada to help people pick up the threads of life. Till that time, required resources for different activities were raised by the members and their friends and acquaintances. However, Fani rehabilitation required a long term sustained effort which had resulted in a heavy demand of both manpower and financial resources. The group then decided to formally organise itself into a Trust so as to make it more broad based and enable it to raise adequate resources. In February 2021, Anand Mission as a Trust was born with people from diverse backgrounds as its members. The trust believes in both inclusiveness and diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of caste, religion, gender, economic background and education while extending its membership.

The journey so far: It has been a rewarding and fulfilling journey till now. The members, who strongly believe in the adage, ”Happiness multiplies when shared” in association with like minded organisations have been trying to help people from socially and economically challenged backgrounds.The Trust has been trying to be of help to people suffering from diseases and victims of accidents on a case to case basis and the sole criteria is their economic condition. The Trust has also provided economic assistance to deserving students who are facing financial hardships to continue their studies. The members plan to make it one of the major thrust areas in future. Looking back at our journey, here are some highlights of our consistent efforts to spread happiness and joy.

Help during the covid-19 pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 posed unprecedented challenges in terms of health, livelihood and social interaction. The lockdown resulting in reverse migration had brought immense hardships and trauma primarily to the blue collar workers and their family members. The Trust then in its formative stage had organised roadside kitchens and shelters at a number of places in association with other organisations to provide succour to the people on road or those stranded due to lack of transport.
During the peak of the pandemic, in many instances entire families were facing health related issues. The Trust then came forward to provide free healthy and hygienic food at their door steps. We are happy to note that we managed to provide more than 5000 free meals in Bhubaneswar during the pandemic. During that time, the Trust members came forward to support those who were in need of blood. Many units were organised by the members donating or through networks.

Lending a hand during natural calamity: The Trust offered help and support to the victims of cyclones and floods since its formal inception. Apart from food and household items, study related materials were also distributed to the students who had lost everything during floods. Also, sanitation materials like bleaching powder ,halogen tablets etc had been provided. During winters, blankets had been provided to the elderly and the homeless.

A touch of care to children cancer patients: The Trust has been engaged in supporting children cancer patients from economically challenged backgrounds. Inspired by one of the associated organisations, Anand Mission has been distributing dry food items, food supplements, toys etc along with monetary help to those who needed (doctor recommended) specialised medicines and tests which are not available at the Government facilities. At least once in a month (sometimes twice/thrice), the juvenile indoor patients of AHPGIC and Dept of Hematology, SCB Medical College & Hospital are being provided with these items with due permission of the hospital administration. Many non-members have extended their support with resources as well as their efforts.

In addition to all the above mentioned efforts, Anand Mission takes pride in being closely associated with many Children’s homes being run by different organisations in different places of Odisha and the Trust has been able to forge connections with some people including members for regular contributions.

With the blessings and goodwill of all, Anand Mission aspires to take bigger strides in the coming days and have a meaningful presence that celebrates the spirit of community and service.